Nature's Secret

Humans have gone off the natural track long ago. Cats always land on their feet and assess the risk perfectly, no matter what.

Have you ever wondered why animals always do things perfectly and why humans fail at every doorstep?

Humans are so foreign in the nature, people have become to prefer plastic flowers over the natural flowers.

We have become so artificial, not just in the physical, but also in everything inside, more so because of the electronics.

Do you know why it has become so? It has become so because at some point of human evolution, the ego has taken control over human lives.

That is why everything has become business. That is why millions of people in every industry remain average and don’t make the leap to becoming the number one. That is why humans are relentlessly affected by anxiety. And this is the way for 99.9% of people from the day their inner child dies to the day they die.

But still there are a handful of people, who from their childhood have been different in their ways, these are the ones who know that there is something more to life, something which society can’t offer.

These people are the ones who care most for the ultimate peace, and with constant exposure to truth it will become available to them. Once they have found their way out and transcended the mind, everything will be crystal clear.

They will be the Buddhas. They will be the Einstein’s in their field. They will be the ones behind the real human progress. They will embody the perfect human as the Nature first created it to be. They will act perfectly in every situation just like cats always landing on their feet.

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